Earn Your GED
General Educational Development (GED®) classes prepare students to take the tests required to earn the GED® high school equivalency certificate. Preparation classes are offered in English.
In addition to the adult GED®, BHC also offers an Optional Education (High School Credit) and Youth GED®.
Optional Education & Youth GED®
Note: The ages to qualify for these programs vary, starting at age 16. Please call for more information.
Optional Education (High School Credit)
Optional Education is a collaborative effort by the six Rock Island County public secondary school systems, Black Hawk College, the Regional Superintendent of Schools and the Youth Service Bureau to provide educational alternatives for truant and dropout youth. Students may earn high school credits leading to a diploma or prepare for GED® testing. Additional support services are available.
Youth GED®
Designed to meet the needs of the younger GED® student, Optional Education GED® classes help students with few high school credits prepare for the GED® exam which, in turn, will qualify them for employment or postsecondary education.
Stark County Youth Assistance Program
The Stark County Youth Assistance Program is supported by Career Link through a Workforce Investment Act grant. It provides support for qualified youth ages 16-24 to complete their high-school-level education then successfully enter work or post-secondary training. Special support and tutoring is provided to help students succeed academically when they may have struggled in the past.
- FREE practice/prep for GED®
- GED® test funding
- Financial incentives for student progress
- Job skills/interview training
- Assistance creating a powerful résumé
- Paid work experience
- Transportation assistance
- Opportunities to try out careers in welding, health care, computers, auto repair, office professions and more!
Our staff provides individualized coaching to help participants develop their character and plan for their future. For more information, call 309-854-1862 or contact:
Tami Rouse
Career Link Case Manager
Career Link
106 E. Williams St., Wyoming, IL
Training for Employment and Academic Mastery (T.E.A.M.) Program
The Training for Employment and Academic Mastery (T.E.A.M.) program is a Workforce Investment Act initiative designed to help qualified youth complete their basic education and successfully transition to work or postsecondary training. In addition to academic training, the program specializes in résumé-building, career exploration, workforce preparation, occupational and soft skill training, and individualized counseling to address character development. T.E.A.M. is available at all Adult Education facilities managed by Black Hawk College in Rock Island County. For more information, call 309-796-8242.
GED: Jennifer Sweborg, 309-796-5562 –
High School Completion or Youth GED: Laura Bragg, 309-796-8252 –